Investigate a Date - 3 Warning Signs That Your Online Romance Will Turn Sour

Has the thought that your online date might be lying ever crossed your mind? Is it possible that he is married? Older that he claims to be? Trust is not something we freely bestow on strangers, but a privilege that has to be earned. Investigate date if you don't want to end up looking like a fool. Here are 3 warning signs that your online romance might turn sour:

1. Your common sense says that something does not add up. Emotions have a weird way of clouding our good judgment of characters and situations. When emotions start running high, our common sense is somehow debilitated. No matter how infatuated you are, listen to your head. If something does not sound right, maybe there is a reason why>

2. Your potential date is secretive or elusive about the past or his stories are somehow inconsistent. There are many "professional" players on dating sites. And they have a different story for each of their victims. With so many different storylines, it gets easy for them to mix up on the fine details. If you catch your potential partner in a lie, even the most innocent one, be alert.

3. Your date bad-mouths his ex. If a guy presents his ex as a psycho or bad mouths her all the time, that is not a good sign. Most of the time there is a good reason why guys don't remain friends with their exes-they treat women poorly or perceive them as sexual objects to be discarded. Preserving civilized relation with your ex is one of the signs that a guy is mature and emotionally stable.

These are just of a few of the give-away signs that your online partner might not be Mr Wonderful. The best possible course of action here is to investigate date. Love and trust are indispensable. However, trust should not be build on blind faith, but on solid facts.

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